Sunday, May 6, 2012

Thinking About camp by Andrew

The activity I enjoyed the most at camp was…water slide and the abseiling.

I enjoyed this because...we got to go 10 meters down for the abseiling and I really enjoyed going down on the rope. The water side was fun because you go down the hill on your tummy at 100 m per second!!! Not really that fast but it was fast.

Something that was a challenge for me was…the low ropes activities were a challenge for me.

This was hard because…one of the challenges was hard.  We had to work together to get everyone over a log between to posts.  Our plan was little people go first. The big people lift the smaller people on the tire.  Everyone did it except Angus because he got a splinter in his hand:-) 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cool Boy(;